How to Provide an Unforgettable Client Experience

If you want to create a stellar client experience from start to finish, you need to focus on the little details. Many business owners make the mistake of thinking that the client experience only starts once the client is actually working with them. However, if you want to create a lasting impression, you need to think about the entire process - from when they first learn about your company to when they become a client and even after they've become a client. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important aspects of creating a great client experience.

Client experience is more than just providing a great product or service. It's about making the client feel valued and appreciated. This means paying attention to their wants and needs before they are even expressed. However, client experience isn't just about making the client happy - it's also about being authentic and genuine. Be yourself, and let your personality shine through in everything you do. This will help build a strong rapport with the client and create a lasting relationship. Plus, you don’t have to be someone you’re not with each new client. 

Starting the Client Experience

The client experience starts when a potential client interacts with your brand. This could be on social, your website, through an advertisement, etc. It can be good or bad depending on how the client perceives the interaction. A bad client experience can be anything from a client not being happy with the product or service to them feeling ignored or unimportant. Imagine having a well-thought-out website that attracts the people you want to work with. But when you get on the phone with a potential client, you can't convert them into a buyer because your "happy & bubbly" website doesn't match your "monotone" humor.

When you turn a client off from the beginning, it can be very difficult to win them back. They may have already formed a negative opinion of your company and may not be willing to give you another chance. Even if your website is beautiful, your SOPs are in order, and your funnel has led them to your door; you will lose them forever because there is a disconnect between your messaging and you.

How to Create a Great Client Experience

The client experience is very important to growing and scaling your business. When a (potential) client can navigate through your website and understand what you are all about, they start to let their guard down and trust what you have to offer. If you can show your personality consistently throughout everything you do, like video chats or phone calls, the client will feel more comfortable working with you. And it is all because you have been consistent in your voice and everything they have experienced.

One of the most important client experiences comes through gifting. Send a gift to a client as soon as they onboard to show how much you care. You can also send gifts for other occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. These are milestone events for your client and it shows that you are willing to do business on a human level, not just another transaction.  

Gifting doesn’t always have to be physical items either; virtual gifting has become more popular as businesses look for efficient strategies that don't require shipping and delivery. Some examples include virtual gift cards, life experience events, and online courses or classes. Regardless of the type of gift, thoughtful gestures can show how you pay attention to the details when a gift arrives based on a quick conversation you had. Use these touch points to build long-lasting relationships that make your business stand out from the crowd.

Gifting as a Client Experience Strategy

Gifting can be an effective gifting strategy to use when trying to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. A successful gifting strategy should align with your client’s values and keep them top-of-mind throughout their entire customer journey. The key is personalization; tailor the gift to each client or group of clients, depending on where they are in their journey with you. It could mean gifting during onboarding to welcome them or recognizing a birthday because the last year was a tough one. Show appreciation to them because you leveled up in your business which in turn caused them to level up as well.

The client experience is so important, and it starts long before the client becomes your client. If you can make a great first impression with your website design and clear messaging, you’re well on your way to engaging potential clients. Once you start talking with them, listen for key moments you can reference to personalize your gift ideas. You can learn more about them and show you care by creating a strong relationship. 

You can start your gifting strategy at any stage of the client experience. Most businesses start a gifting plan when a new client onboards. When clients feel loved and appreciated from the beginning, they stay clients for longer. These long-term relationships can help scale your business by focusing on clients best aligned to the experiences you provide. Ready to get started? Contact us today to discuss how a virtual EA can improve your client experience!



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